Journal:NFC-IEER Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research, 2017, Volume 3, Issue No 1
Author(s): Imran Yousaf, Nadeem Majeed
Keyword(s): VANETs, Olsr, AODV, GRP, Ad-hoc, Load, Delay, throughput, Mobility, Congestion
Journal:International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 2017, Volume 9, Issue No 1
Author(s): Abdelkabir Sahnoun, Ahmed Habbani, Jamal El Abbadi
Keyword(s): Energy Efficient, MANET, Olsr, Path Reliability
Journal:International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 2018, Volume 10, Issue No 1
Author(s): Ayoub Abdellaoui, Jamal Elmhamdi, Halim Berradi
Keyword(s): Manets, Olsr, Mprs selection, Spatial relation, Ns3 simulator