Journal:Journal of Pakistan Vision, Volume 21, Issue No 2
Author(s): Dr. Sara Qayum
Keyword(s): FATA, frontier crime regulation, Human Rights, Constitution of Pakistan
Journal:Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, Volume 58, Issue No 4
Author(s): Moosa Akefi Ghaziani, Mohammad Akefi Ghaziani
Keyword(s): Saudi Arabia, International Law, International Organisations, Human Rights, Security.
Journal:Journal of Political Studies, Volume 28, Issue No 1
Author(s): Naveed Ahmed
Keyword(s): Pakistan, Fundamental Rights, Human Rights, Declaration of Human Rights, judiciary, High Court
Journal:Journal of Strategic Studies, 2020, Volume 40, Issue No 2
Journal:Tahdhīb al Afkār, 2018, Volume 5, Issue No 1
Author(s): Haleema Ashfaq, Dr. Shahzadi Pakeeza
Keyword(s): Declaration, Human Rights, exploitation, faith
Journal:Tahdhīb al Afkār, 2018, Volume 5, Issue No 1
Author(s): Dr. Khalid Iqbal, Dr. Muhammad Idris, Hafiz Muhammad Ullah
Keyword(s): Qur’an, Human Rights, Islam, West, Education
Journal:Ma’arif-e-Islami, 2019, Volume 18, Issue No 1
Author(s): Muhammad Muddasir
Keyword(s): Islamic Teachings, French laws, Human Rights, Equality, Humanity, Comparison
Journal:Al Basirah, 2019, Volume 8, Issue No 1
Author(s): Dr Farid ud Din Tariq, Prof Zahida Parveen
Journal:Acta-Islamica, 2017, Volume 5, Issue No 2
Keyword(s): Human history, Torment, folk, interpreters’ inattentiveness, Attribution, Violation, negligence, Human Rights
Journal:Pakistan Journal, 2016, Volume 52, Issue No 1
Author(s): Muhammad Ifzal Mehmood, Muhammad Abdullah Fazi
Keyword(s): Pakhtunwali, Pakhtun, Islam, marriage, Customs, Human Rights