The Maslach and Jackson (1981) three factor model of burnout was used as basis of this study that categorized the perceived dimensions of burnout as Emotional Exhaustion (EE), Depersonalization (DP), and reduced Personal Accomplishment (PA) among school teachers. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used to measure the emotional involvement of teachers on job. Multi stage sampling technique was used to draw the sample of 424 (male=178, 42% and females=246, 58%) school teachers working in 22 public schools from Lahore at junior, primary, elementary and secondary school levels. The major purpose of the study was met by highlighting the contribution of selected variables (gender, locale, job status, marital status, age, qualification, and level at teaching) towards the prevalence of burnout among public school teachers. Data were analysed by using descriptive statistics, as well as t-tests, and ANOVA tests. The results confirmed the presence of burnout among teachers with varied levels. Gender, locale, qualification, and level at teaching were significant towards the progression of burnout whereas job status, marital status, and age were found non-significant on prevalence of burnout. The demographic variables, investigated in this study, were not conclusively determinant of burnout.