The role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in sustainable development and vibrant democratic culture has been recognized by intellectuals and international development agencies. In developing countries like Pakistan, CSOs have predominantly gained significant attention, as an instrument for public involvement and participation. However, the question emerges about the efficacy of CSOs, and as to whether or not, they have succeeded in realizing their objectives. This paper examines the role of CSOs for the consolidation of a democratic system of governance in Pakistan. The study is qualitative in nature, based on the investigation of available research literature and analysis of the main available public documents pertaining to the role of CSOs in Pakistan. Certain interviews and focus group discussions were conducted for primary evidence. The study finds that in Pakistan, the scope, role and operations of CSOs stand transmuted considerably over the past few years. The CSOs have faced hostile regimes, particularly, the third generation of CSOs. This has resulted in a powerless democratic culture. If Pakistan is to move forward, strong Civil Society Organizations are imperative. They will help in making a government accountable.