Voluntary compliance not only lowers the cost of law enforcement but also breeds a culture of lawfulness, where compliance becomes convenient than breach. Such a culture, is generally named as a culture of lawfulness. The voluntary compliance is adversely affected if the cultural needs and demands are not attended properly while making laws. It creates a gap between law in the book and law in action. In such situations breach and avoidance of law becomes convenient than compliance and a weak culture of lawfulness is the result. In Pakistan, the culture of lawfulness is weak which indicates that the gap between law and action needs a thorough analysis to find out where law and culture are not coinciding and what are the factors responsible for the gap, to suggest a practical remedy to minimize the gap. This article is an effort to qualitatively analyze the factors, after a detailed review of the statutory laws, Judge made laws and keen observation of the practices of people, along with other accompanying factors like religion, cultural groups and sub groups diaspora, education and economic factors etc. The outcome is a short-term resolve based on social marketing approach and a long-term solution in the form of a holistic, community based, law-making approach to plug the gap.
Law, Society, Culture, Gap, social marketing, holistic approach, Community Based Law Making