
Workplace bullying is a noteworthy problem that prevails in different organizations and has devastating impacts on employees as well as on organizations. The present research is an attempt to find out the impact of workplace bullying on psychological wellbeing of employees by taking the role of personality traits as moderators. To achieve this objective, Negative Acts Questionnaire, Ryff’s Scale of Psychological Wellbeing, and NEO-FFI were used. A sample of (N = 538) employees were selected from four different professions (Doctors, University Teachers, Bank Employees, and Telecommunication Employees). It was revealed from the study that workplace bullying has negative impact on psychological wellbeing of employees, furthermore it is also revealed from results that the agreeableness and conscientiousness significantly negatively predicted the workplace bullying and the remaining personality factors (neuroticism, openness to experience and extraversion) non-significantly predicted the workplace bullying. The results also depicted that the Extraversion, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness moderated the relationship between workplace bullying and psychological wellbeing by strengthening this relationship.