The capital platforms like aircraft, ships etc. are hybrid of systems/machinery and needs to put out of service for repairs and maintenance to avoid catastrophic failures. The OEM intensive overhauling projects of Pakistan public sector are experiencing delays resulting in non-availability of these capital platforms. The purpose of this study is to identify the delay factors and their impact (effect) on project completion so that a comprehensive corrective strategy could be formulated to mitigate the effect of most delay causing factors and deliver the project on time. An explanatory approach has been adopted in this case and factor analysis was done to find out the significant factors. During factor analysis, 59 contributors were identified which were divided into four groups namely Supply Chain (SCM), Resource Management (RM), Obsolescence (OBS) and Project management (PM). The quantitative analysis was done on population size of more than 300 by using a close ended questionnaire. The results depicts that obsolescence has the maximum contribution towards delay, whereas, the subsequent factors are PM, SCM and RM respectively. It was also observed during the study that obsolescence is a factor that can be mitigated to a great extent by improving supply chain and project management practices.