
It is an article upon Allama Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isma'il al-Husaini, alTahtawi, a renowned Hanafi Mufti of Egypt and upon his Hashiya on "al-durr almukhtar". His father, Muhammad bin Isma’il was originally from Rome, from where he migrated to "Tahta" and made it as their homeland. "Tahta" is a city in Egypt near "Asyut". He held also the post of Justice in “Tahta”. He got married a noble lady here. Allah granted them two sons and one daughter. Allama Ahmad was born in "Tahta" in around 1164H or 1165H. After memorising the Holy Quran in 1181H, he took admission in "Al-Azhar University". He freed himself and did his very best for the improvement and progress of education. He got tafseer, hadeeth and fiqh (islamic jurisprudence) etc from renowned scholars (ulama) of his time. After completing the education his teachers allowed him to teach and give fatwa, hence he joined madrasah al-shaikhunia and madrasah alsarghatmishia. He continued his teaching and lectures in "Al-Azhar University" as well. On increasing strength of the students he transferred to madrasah ainiah near "AlAzhar University" where he continued his teaching and also delivering hadeeth teaching in "Jami Muhammad Fffendi" till his death. His book "Hashia al-Tahtawi ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar" is one of the most important books of jurisprudence. This book has a great position near renowned Islamic scholars; they use this book as a great reference in their research works; especially the renowned Islamic Jurisprudent Ibn Abideen trusts in this book and uses it as a main reference book in his valued and esteemed book "Radd al-Muhtaar ala al-Durr al-Mukhtaar". Ibn Abideen also regards this book as "al-hashia al-fa'iqah" means "the great book".