In the modern era, the term honor killing is used for crimes of honor. In the Islamic world, honor killing is considered a social problem, but ordinary people do not consider it a crime, and its penalties are not essential in criminal law for the accuser. The study objective was to explore the honor killing and penalties in criminal law for accusers with the narrative of Islamic lawyers and victims. This study qualitatively explores the reason for honor killing and its happening in society. The study used a purposive and snowball sampling technique to collect data with the help of an interview guide. The thematic analysis technique was used for data analysis. Three lawyers and three female victims with experiences of honor killing attacks were the sample size of the research. However, a penalty is necessary to honor killing accusers because they roam openly in the social world. Furthermore, the act of the accuser is not considered misconduct, but they are doing it for the family’s honor, and there shall impose penalties for this crime of action in the legislation of criminal law. The study concluded that honor killing accusers should be punished in society, and it is recommended that legislative acts should be considered mandatory in the constitution for the honor killing accuser
Honor Killing, Penalties Criminal Law, Accusers, Islamic Ethnic, Cases