Cyber space or technology is used to share data or information with unlimited audience. So, sophistication of cyber space has created a global network, where information can be shared or accessed while sitting at home, office or cafe. It has been used by business entrepreneurs to expand their business, researchers to access requires data and information; media houses to increase their TRPs and government bodies to maintain their policies and records. Meanwhile, the coin always has two sides. Thus, beside positive uses of internet; cyber space has been used by terrorist and criminal gangs for the propagation of their thoughts or to increase their working capacity. It also generates space for financing, training and incitement for terrorist organizations. Meanwhile, internet is used as a mean to access and exploit the mind of young individuals by propagating the Jihadi literature. The use of cyber space to enhance radical thoughts has created challenges for states like Pakistan in war against terrorism. So, this paper is an attempt to examine the dynamics of E-Jihad in Muslim world in the context of changing communication means that have been used by terrorist in contemporary digital age. The used methodology to explore the topic is qualitative research methods followed by case study of Pakistan.