A government branched into national, provincial and local has its own functions and local self-government despite having enormous effects on the citizens has been paid very less tribute to! A local government needs to be strengthened out if democracy is to be kept alive. Decentralization has been opted by various countries for nation-building purposes and programs. In Pakistan, military government supported devolution process and it was pioneered by Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf. It resulted into making of a new scheme of local government and this article is a peep into the making, working and results/outcomes of this process and focuses on the relationship between provincial and local governments from 2001 to 2009. The devolution cannot function if local governments are not granted the power of making their own decisions which has been mostly done by provincial governments early on. This article attempts to throw ample light not only on the relationship of the said governments but also on what levels the manipulation occurred, how did it hinder the development process and troubled the spirit of devolution? Harmonization in all concerned areas is the need of the hour.