
In the Holy Quran Allah Alimighty Addresses human beings as his representatives are vicegerents on the earth providing them with necessary skills, principles and tools to lead their lives towards glory and also to lead address towards realizing their fullest potential, as there presentatives of Allah Almighty, the human beings are assigned great faculities and qualities Allah sent his Prophets for the guidance of mankind. Khalifah is the name or title which means "successor" "deputy" or steward. In most commonly refers to the leader of a caliphate, but is also used as a title among the various Islamic religious groups. Khalifah a person considered a religious successors to the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) a leader of the entire Muslim community. Imam is also a title indicating leadership, governance or rule. And Imam is used in a wide variety of context. He leads by standing infront of the rows worshipers for the dignity of his knowledge Imamat means setting an example taking the lead in religious matter performing the function of Imam.

