It is the greatest blessing of Allah Almighty, that a person acquires the knowledge of Ḥadīth and its sciences. Ḥadīth is the heritage of the Last Prophet of Allah Almighty. Muslim Scholar have strived to serve the Holy Qurʻān and Sunnah and have been keen to preserve Prophetic traditions from fabrication. Among the sciences that guard the prophetic traditions is “Ulūm ul Ḥadīth”. Not long but voice are being raised on the legality of the sacred knowledge that it stands baseless. Keeping in view the said situation, I aim to throw light on the staunch and steadfast bases that this knowledge lies upon from the Holy Qurʻān and encounter the suspicions created by the enemies and refute them in a radical and critical manner. The object of research is dispersed in the books so requires compilation and composition that never is an easy task and we see that the scholars and researchers have mentioned the terminologies of the knowledge, defined them but have never really looked to mention their basis from the holy scriptures so in this research it is tried to link the basis of the founded rules from the Holy book.